Nzonji is a Qatar club、Al-Rayyan decided! To that James Rodriguez player and colleagues!

Hello、munejyuka。   At the end of the 2020-21 season, his rental contract with his home country, Rennes, will end.、Even though he still has a contract with Roma.、Nzonzi, a member of the Russia World Cup winning squad who did not participate in the activities。   I have finally decided on a place to move to.。 The transfer destination is、qatar clubs、This is Al Rayan。     ヨーロッパ主要国の移籍期限の8月末を過ぎても移籍先が決まっていなかった 21-22シーズンのヨーロッパ移籍期限の2021年8月末になってもンゾンジ選手の移籍先は決まったいませんでした。 Because he's such a big name player.、There seems to have been talk of a transfer.、It seems like it didn't quite come together.。 As a fan, I was excited.。 The fact that such great players aren't playing is...、I just can't think of it。 And this time、We finally reached an agreement with a club in Qatar.、It's called Arrayan.。 The contract is for 2 years.、The amount has not been disclosed.。 I still have a contract with my club, AS Roma, until next year.、In agreement with Roma side and Nzonzi player side.、The contract has been canceled、There is no transfer fee incurred.。 Thinking like this、I imagine that he didn't get along well with Special One Mourinho, who took over as Roma's coach this season.、どうでしょうか… リンク 同じチームにはハメス・ロドリゲス選手も! 今回ンゾンジ選手が移籍するカタールのクラブ、It's Arrayan、There's another big name player.。 James Rodriguez, former Colombian national team player。 It also appeared in a Japanese car commercial.、He is a familiar player in Japan.。 Just my imagination、Being able to acquire two world-class big-name players at once means that、I think they have considerable financial strength.。 Qatar will host the World Cup next year、I can see that you are putting a lot of effort into soccer.、This time Nzonzi player、Acquiring James Rodriguez、I can only say it was a surprise.。 カタールの方は楽しみでしかないと思います! まとめ ・ロシアワールドカップ優勝メンバーのンゾンジ選手がカタールのアルラーヤンに移籍 ・背番号は88 ・契約は2年で年俸等は非公表 ・ローマとは双方の合意のうえ移籍金は発生せず ・アルラーヤンにはハメス・ロドリゲス選手も所属 現在32歳のンゾンジ選手。 It certainly seems like his time as a player is getting shorter.。 however、Nzonzi has great technique。It's hard to say that I'm still old enough to get old.。 I hope you continue to show off your great play.。 またヨーロッパのチームに戻ってくることはあるのでしょうか? 今後の動向にも注目です! 最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました! ※カタールも一度は行ってみたいです!! リンク

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