[MLB] Expectations are good! The 2021 Major League Baseball World Series will start on October 26th!

Hello、munejyuka。 It's about to start、The 2021 season Major League Baseball World Series。 The Houston Astros, who won the American League, and the Atlanta Braves, who won the National League, played against each other.。 近年の強豪チーム対古豪復活 アメリカンリーグを制したヒューストン・アストロズは近年、Very good results。 This is the fourth time since 2019 that we have entered the World Series.。 I won the World Series in 2017、There is still a question mark that year for signature theft。 Even so, it ’s going to win like this.、I wonder if he really has the ability。 It ’s quite difficult just to advance to the playoffs、I'm going to participate in this stage for the first time in two years.。 on the other hand、Atlanta Braves is an old man。 Since 1999、It will be the first time in 22 years。 Around this time, I put out my proud pitcher power to the front、It was demonstrating the strength of the rock。 It will be the World Series participation since then。 No one would have expected the Braves to appear in the World Series when the season began.。 In the early stages, there were a lot of injured people、The ranking was also sluggish、Players who transferred in the middle of the season played a big role、I piled up the winning stars。 Still, the number of wins、The fewest teams in the playoffs。 Such a team has won the World Series with or without it.。 It is amazing。 I feel the momentum as a team。 リンク 2021MLBメジャーリーグワールドシリーズの予想 それでは恒例の、I want to make a prediction。 2021 Major League Baseball World Series forecast、Zubari、 4勝2敗でアトランタ・ブレーブスが勝つでしょう! 今シーズンのブレーブスの勢いは止まらないと予想します。 With a miracle-like regular season、I felt that the way of fighting after entering the playoffs could not be dealt with anymore。 Is it a matchless state?。 まとめ ・2021MLBメジャーリーグのワールドシリーズはヒューストン・アストロズ対アトランタ・ブレーブス ・2年ぶりの出場のアストロズ対22年ぶりのブレーブスの対戦 ・私の予想は4勝2敗でブレーブスの勝ち! とうとうMLBメジャーリーグも最終決戦です。 Expecting a good game、しっかり楽しみたいなと思います! 最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました! ※ブレーブスに特別な思い入れはないのですが今年は勝つんじゃないかなと思います!帽子もカッコイイですね! リンク

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