Saturday, July 30, 2022 after 8:00 am、Check the traffic conditions on the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding highways! 31st in 2022、How is the 5th Saturday of July?

Thank you for visiting。 I always think that it should be hotter、munejyuka。 寒いよりかは全然いいです! 寒いのは苦手なので… 今日も朝からセミが鳴きまくっています。 feel the summer。 It's the second Saturday since school started summer vacation.。 近畿地方の高速道路は渋滞しているのでしょうか? 今週も気になったので確認してみました! 2022年7月30日(土)朝8時過ぎの近畿地方の高速道路状況 確認してみたところ、There were some sections that were congested.。 ・阪神高速 大阪港線西行き 阿波座から5km ・阪神高速 神戸線西行き 摩耶から5km ・中国道 下り(西行き) 宝塚ICから4km ・名神高速 上り 深草BSから3km 今日は名神高速の上りでも渋滞が発生していました。 It is a section with a lot of traffic jams in the morning during consecutive holidays.、I feel that traffic jams when it is not so are rare。 after、What caught my attention was that there was no traffic jam on the Yuasa Gobo Road.。 this time、People from Osaka go out to Shirahama for sea bathing.。 As a result, traffic jams will occur from Hanwa Expressway to Yuasa Gobo Road.。 how about that。 The weather was sunny that day、There was no traffic。 I also checked the condition of the lower road.、I didn't feel like I was stuck in traffic。 recently、As the number of new coronavirus infections is increasing,、その影響もあるのでしょうか… リンク その他の高速道路情報 渋滞以外の高速道路情報も確認しておきます。 ・Hanshin Expressway Matsubara Line、喜連瓜破~三宅間で工事により上下線とも通行止め ・阪神高速大阪港線西行きの阿波座付近で工事により1車線規制 ・関空連絡橋の横風による速度規制は無し 松原線の工事は2025年3月まで、Lane restrictions on the Osaka Port Line will continue until the fall of 2024.。 There were no restrictions on the Kansai International Airport Bridge at this time on this day.。 because it's at sea、Speed ​​restrictions are often issued because there are many days when the wind is strong.。 Regulations may be issued suddenly、Please be careful if you plan to run。 Especially for motorcycles、Please note that it is easily affected by the wind。 急な渋滞に巻き込まれてもコレがあると精神的に安心 渋滞に突然巻き込まれるということは、I think everyone has experienced it once or twice.。 そんな時に困るのが トイレ です。 If you are running on the ground, it would be nice to go to a convenience store or supermarket because there is a high probability that there will be a toilet.、Not so on the highway。 Especially when traveling with children、I get nervous when my child suddenly wants to go to the bathroom。 just past the parking area、The situation that I have to endure considerably continues。 It is convenient at such times、it's a portable toilet。 リンク これがあれば一安心です。 It can be used quickly and easily、Easy to clean up afterward。 above all、have this、The sense of security that there is this calms the mind。 I wouldn't go so far as to call it a talisman、I think it's close to。 Also、It can be used even in the event of a disaster.、I think it would be good to buy some and put them in the car。 リンク まとめるとぉ~ ・2022年7月30日(土)朝8時過ぎの近畿地方の高速道路状況を確認 ・4区間で5km以下の渋滞が発生 ・阪神高速松原線喜連瓜破~三宅間で上下線とも終日通行止め ・阪神高速大阪港線西行き阿波座付近で1車線規制 ・関空連絡橋の横風による規制は無し 2022年7月最後の土曜日の朝、・ There is no speed limit due to crosswinds on the Sky Gate Bridge.。 I think that there are quite a few people who are going out.。 It's summer vacation。 will continue、I would like to check the expressway conditions mainly on Saturday and Sunday.。 Please read to the end、thank you very much!

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