Saturday, April 23, 2022 after 12:00 pm、Check the congestion status of the Hanshin Expressway and the surrounding expressways! The 17th time in 2022、How about the 4th Saturday of April?

Thank you for visiting。 I finally stopped saying the word cold.、munejyuka。 皆さまのお住まいの地域はどうでしょうか? そんな2022年春、We checked the expressway conditions at noon in the Kinki region in mid-April.。 It gets warmer、お出かけされる方が多くなって高速道路は渋滞が発生しているのでしょうか? さっそく確認したいと思います。 April 23, 2022 (Saturday)、午後12時過ぎの阪神高速と周辺高速道路状況を確認 結果は、It is as follows。 ・阪神高速 湾岸線西行き 魚崎浜から2km ・阪神高速 神戸線西行き 芦屋から1km いつもは朝8時過ぎの状況を確認しているのですがたまには違う時間帯もと思いましてお昼過ぎとなると渋滞も少し落ち着くという感じがします。 When it comes to this time、I think many of you have already arrived at your destination.。 Both up and down lines on Hanshin Expressway No. 3 Kobe Line、工事により通行止め! 阪神高速3号神戸線といえば、It's a mecca for traffic jams。 weekdays、Regardless of holidays、This is an area that is often congested.。 This No. 3 Kobe Line is due to renewal work.、Road is closed。 Both upper and lower lines。 The section is、Between Maya and Ashiya。 Due to this influence、Traffic jams are occurring at the nearest entrance/exit that is closed to traffic.。 together、The bay coast line attached to the west side is also congested.。It seems that there is a traffic jam due to detouring cars.。 General roads too、National Route 43 at the bottom of the Kobe Line、Route 2 on the north side also seems to be congested in many places.。 Even if there is no construction going on, it can't be helped because the area is congested.。 If you are planning to run、We recommend leaving with plenty of time to spare.。 This road closure、The deadline is 6:00 a.m. on Monday, April 25th.。 You can drive safely、Thanks to this kind of work。 Just a little more patience。 まとめるとぉ~ ・2022年4月23日(土)午後12時過ぎの阪神高速と周辺高速道路の状況を確認 ・阪神高速の通行止めの影響による渋滞のみ ・この通行止めは4月25日(月)朝6時まで 今回は土曜日のお昼過ぎの近畿地方の高速道路状況を確認しました。 The weather forecast was cloudy since the day before.、There was no need to worry about rain。 So、I thought there would be traffic jams everywhere even in the afternoon.、It wasn't like that.。 Golden week starts next weekend。 I think you can try this campaign、You may be refraining from going out until Golden Week.。 また来週も確認していきたいと思います。 Please read to the end、thank you very much!

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