There is no holiday discount for highway tolls during Golden Week (GW) 2022! Unfortunately, no!

Hello、munejyuka。 today、A little disappointing、But I saw the news that it wasn't。 NEXCO, which manages the highway,、It was announced that there would be no holiday discounts during the 2022 Golden Week period.。 I would like to check the contents。 2022年ゴールデンウィークの高速道路料金の休日割引は無し! 2022年のゴールデンウィークは、Is it common from April 29th (Friday / holiday) to May 8th (Sunday)?。 The treatment of holidays during this period is、 4月29日(金・祝) 4月30日(土) 5月1日(日) 5月3日(火・祝) 5月4日(水・祝) 5月5日(木・祝) 5月7日(土) 5月8日(日) の8日間です。 Originally, these 8 days were eligible for the holiday discount.、It does not apply this year。 From the user side、It ’s very disappointing, is n’t it?。 リンク ゴールデンウィークだけでなくお盆休みと年末年始も適用しないとのことです 今回、It means that we will not offer holiday discounts for Golden Week.、It has already been decided that holiday discounts will not be offered during the Obon holidays in August and the year-end and New Year holidays.。 During the Obon holiday period、 8月11日(木・祝) 8月13日(土) 8月14日(日) の3日間は休日割引を実施しないとのことです。 The year-end and New Year、 12月31日(土) 2023年1月1日(日) 1月2日(月・祝) 1月3日(火) の4日間は休日割引を実施しないとのことです。 If you take a closer look at NEXCO's announcement,、This measure is、By giving a holiday discount, cars will be concentrated and heavy traffic will occur.、There seems to be a purpose to mitigate it。 If you move anyway, I will choose the one that is a little cheaper.。 It seems that it was not just a measure to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.。 As expected、How effective is it?。 I would like to continue to check。 まとめるとぉ~ ・2022年ゴールデンウィークの高速道路の休日割引はなし ・休日割引を実施することによって発生する大渋滞をおさえるのが目的 ・お盆休みと年末年始も休日割引を実施しないとのこと 今回は、We confirmed that the holiday discount for highway tolls during the 2022 Golden Week period has disappeared.。 I can tolerate a traffic jam of several kilometers.、20km、If you get caught in a heavy traffic jam of 30km、There is something really hard。 With this measure、I hope the heavy traffic will be alleviated as much as possible.。 料金が高くなるのは残念ですが… 実際にどうなったのか、I would like to confirm it during Golden Week。 Please read to the end、ありがとうございました! ※車にコレを置いておくと渋滞になっても安心です! リンク

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