Thank you for visiting。 The southern part of Osaka Prefecture is still hot even in mid-September.、munejyuka。 I welcome the heat、何か? お盆休みが終わって、it's september。 Respect for the Aged Day is celebrated on Monday, September 19th.、17日(土)から3連休だという方も多いのではないでしょうか? そんな3連休の中日、We confirmed the highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8:00 am on Sunday, September 18th.。 お出かけの方で渋滞は発生していたのでしょうか? 気になったので確認してみました。 September 18, 2022 (Sun)、朝8時過ぎの阪神高速と周辺高速道路状況を確認 さっそく確認してみました。 Confirmation result、 there was no traffic。 It was a day during the three consecutive holidays.、There was no traffic jam at this time。 台風14号が接近しているから? 実は、On this day, Typhoon No. 14, a large and powerful typhoon, was approaching.。 if true、この日と次の日の休日を合わせて遠出を予定されておられた方もいたのではないでしょうか? 19日には、Kyushu、It was forecasted that it would make landfall in the Shikoku region.。 Maybe that's why there wasn't much traffic this morning.。 Typhoon No. 14 this time、Is it comparable to Typhoon No. 15, which caused great damage in 2019 three years ago?、Or it is said to be a stronger force than that。 if so、Is it only natural that it would be better to cancel the outing?。 まとめるとぉ~ ・2022年9月18日(日)、朝8時過ぎの近畿地方の高速道路状況を確認 ・渋滞は無し ・台風14号が接近してきているので、お出かけをキャンセルされた方も多いのではないか? 今回は、Mid-September 3-day weekend、September 18th (Sun)、I checked the condition of the expressway in the Kinki region after 8 o'clock in the morning.。 unless a typhoon is approaching、There must have been some traffic jam.。 go out to hen、It's not good to get into trouble、When a big typhoon comes、I think it's best to quietly wait。 This typhoon、We will be closest to the Kinki region tomorrow。 I just pray that there will be little damage。 In addition to highway conditions、I would like to confirm。 Please read to the end、ありがとうございました! ※急な渋滞に巻き込まれてもコレがあれば安心です。It is also useful in times of disaster.、Killing two birds with one stone。車に幾つか載せておくことをオススメします!! リンク
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