Monday, September 20, 2021 Respect for the Aged Day、What is the traffic congestion on the expressway in the Kinki region after 8 am?

Hello、munejyuka。 It's Monday, September 20, 2021。Today is Respect for the Aged Day。 土曜日から3連休の方も多いのではないでしょうか? そんな敬老の日の朝の近畿地方の高速道路の状況を確認しました。 Monday, September 20, 2021 After 8 am on Respect for the Aged Day、近畿地方の高速道路の状況 2021年9月20日・月曜日、What is the status of the highways in the Kinki region on Respect for the Aged Day?、 西名阪道の下りで3kmの渋滞 が発生していました。It ’s a contact accident.。 I want to be careful about accidents。 Other than that, there is no traffic jam。 The weather is sunny、The forecast for the future is fine, but there was no traffic jam.。 リンク 連休の最終日は渋滞が少ない? 昨日は朝7時過ぎに確認したのですが、There was no traffic。 One hour later, after 8 o'clock, there was a traffic jam, so、I confirmed it one hour late today、Still there was no traffic。 However、Around 19:00 last night、There was a traffic jam on the Kobe Awaji Naruto Road and the Yuasa Gobo Road.。 So、For those who are out、It means that there are so many。 And、The recent trend is、I think that relatively few people go out on the last day of consecutive holidays.。 Even at theme parks, etc.、There are many reports that there are few people on the last day of consecutive holidays.。 Maybe that's the case today as well。 まとめ ・2021年9月20日・月曜日、After 8 am on Respect for the Aged Day、What is the status of expressways in the Kinki region?、西名阪道下りで3kmの事故渋滞が発生 ・それ以外では交通集中による渋滞はなし ・昨日の夜19時頃は神戸淡路鳴門道の上り、Because there was a traffic jam on the Yuasa Gobo Road、お出掛けされておられる方はそこそこおられる ・ここ最近の傾向として、It seems that few people tend to go out on the last day of consecutive holidays.、渋滞も少ない 少し考察したのですが、The most is the influence of the new coronavirus。 Anyway、Convergence of the new coronavirus is most desired.。 It seems that vaccination is also in progress、That's where I want to expect。 European soccer stadiums and NFL stadiums are full of spectators。 Japan also、1日でも早く同じ環境になることを望みます! 最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました! ※スマホのカーナビもいいですがこういうポータブルのカーナビはひとつあると便利かもしれませんね!値段もお手頃ですし! リンク

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