Hello、munejyuka。 The other day、I was reading an article about car sales。 inside that、The monthly sales volume was posted.、The number of registered cars was also posted in the continuation。 Isn't the number of vehicles sold and the number of registered vehicles the same? Because it became、調べてみました? 販売台数とは? まず、It is the number of registrations。 What is the number of registered units?、 Ordinary car、Light car、全てを含めた販売台数 のことでした。 If you go with the image、販売された車の総数ということでいいのではないでしょうか。 登録車とは? 次に、It is a registered car。 What is a registered car?、 Ordinary car / passenger car、白ナンバー のことです。 So、軽自動車は登録車に含まれないということです。 It is said that light vehicles are called "reported vehicles".。 Ordinary vehicles are "registered vehicles" because they are required to "register" with the Land Transport Office.、Light vehicles are "notified" because they go through the "notification" procedure with the Land Transport Office.。 リンク まとめ ・自動車の販売台数は、普通車と軽自動車を合わせた販売台数のこと ・「登録車」とは、普通車のこと ・軽自動車は「届け出車」と呼ばれている ちょっとすっきりしました。 It's a little confusing, isn't it?。If you don't know the contents of this time、After checking the number of registered cars、I think some people may mistakenly think that it includes a light car.。 I thought it wouldn't hurt to keep it in my head。 Please read to the end、Thank you! !!
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