Thank you for visiting。 真冬に突入して憂鬱です、munejyuka。 寒いのは嫌いなので… 2024年もラストマンスとなりました。 今月も1日1日を大切にしていきたいですね。 今回は2024年12月1日(日)の朝、近畿地方の高速道路状況を確認します。 お出かけの方で渋滞が発生していたのでしょうか? それとも渋滞は無かったのでしょうか? 気になったので確認しました。 2024年12月1日(日)朝8時過ぎの近畿地方の高速道路状況 確認の結果、 there was no traffic。 皆さんの出足がスローな朝だったようです。 昨日の同じ時間はあちこちで渋滞が発生していたのですが。 土曜日の方がお出かけされる方も多いでしょうし、お仕事関係の車も多いのでしょう。 それでもここのところ、日曜日の夕方の時間には渋滞が発生しています。 中国道の上り 名神、京滋バイパスの下り は確実に渋滞すると思われます。 あとは 阪神高速神戸線の西行き ですね。 この区間はもう夕方とかどうこうではなく、いっつも渋滞しているので もうええでしょ! その他の高速道路情報 渋滞以外の高速道路情報も確認しました。 ・Broken car information:6件 ・落下物情報:4件 ・関空連絡橋は横風による速度規制は無し 事故情報が無かったのはよかったです。 故障車情報が6件ありました。 I just hope it's a minor malfunction.。 The weather near the Kansai Airport Bridge seemed to be calm.。 昨日の朝は横風の影響で60キロの速度規制が出されていましたが、この日は落ち着いた天候だったようです。 リンク まとめ ・2024年12月1日(日)、朝8時過ぎの近畿地方の高速道路状況を確認 ・渋滞は無し ・故障車情報が6件、落下物情報が4件 ・関空連絡橋は横風による速度規制は無し 今回は、2024年12月1日(日)朝8時過ぎの近畿地方の高速道路状況を確認しました。 There was no traffic。 とうとう年末近くになってきました。 28日の土曜日の朝はかなり長い渋滞が発生すると思われます。 Now、近畿地方は紅葉シーズン真っ只中ですので紅葉が終わるといよいよ年末年始のお休みということになるのでしょうか。 今後も引き続き確認していきたいと思います。 I use it normally when talking in conversation、 I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Read more →Category: Diary
After 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 30, 2024、Check the traffic congestion situation on the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding expressways! 48th in 2024、Is there traffic jam on the last Saturday morning of November?
Thank you for visiting。 11月の最終日と聞いて時が経つのが早過ぎるの感じています、munejyuka。 マジかよ… そんな2024年11月最後の土曜日の朝、近畿地方の高速道路状況をかくにしました。 お出かけの方で渋滞が発生していたのでしょうか? 気になったので確認しました。 2024年11月30日(土)、Results of checking expressway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 a.m.、Traffic jams of more than 3 km were occurring in the following sections:。 ・名神高速 上り 深草バス停付近から3km 蝉丸トンネル入口付近から3km ・京滋バイパス 上り 宇治トンネル付近から4km ・中国道 下り 青葉台シェルター出口付近から7km ・近畿道 上り 東大阪南IC付近から4km ・阪神高速 神戸線 西行き 生田川付近から4km 深江付近から8km むちゃくちゃ長い渋滞というところはありませんでしたが、各地で渋滞が発生していました。 土曜日はお仕事関係の車とお出かけ関係の車が重なって渋滞しているように思われます。 中国道の渋滞は工事による車線規制の影響のようです。 ここのところ朝の時間帯は平日、Saturday、日曜日関係無く渋滞が発生しています。 Meishin Expressway、京滋バイパスの下り線は、土曜日の朝は必ずといっていいほど渋滞が発生しています。 今日もそこまで長い渋滞ではありませんでしたが。 阪神高速神戸線の渋滞は… … … … もうええでしょ! その他の高速道路情報 渋滞以外の高速道路情報も確認しました。 ・Broken car information:11件 ・落下物情報:3件 ・関空連絡橋は横風による影響で60キロの速度規制 ・神戸淡路鳴門道 淡路IC~垂水JCT・IC間が横風による影響で50キロの速度規制 事故情報が無かったのはよかったです。 その代わりといってはなんですが、故障車情報が11件ありました。 いつもよりはかなり多いです。 I just hope it's a minor malfunction.。 この日の近畿地方は全般的に風が強かったようで、Kansai International Airport Bridge、神戸淡路鳴門道ともに横風の影響で速度規制が出されていました。 私は大阪府南部の海沿いに住んでいるのですが、この日の朝は風がむちゃくちゃ強く吹いていました。 大きな台風が来たんとちゃうの?っていうくらいの強い風が吹いていました。 そら速度規制が出されるわ!という感じです。 Kansai International Airport Bridge、神戸淡路鳴門道を通行予定の皆さま、通行の際はじゅうぶん気をつけてくださいませ。 リンク まとめ ・2024年11月30日(土)、朝8時過ぎの近畿地方の高速道路状況を確認 ・7区間で3km以上の渋滞が発生 ・故障車情報が11件、落下物情報が3件 ・関空連絡橋は横風による影響で60キロの速度規制 ・神戸淡路鳴門道は横風による影響で50キロの速度規制
Read more →What is the price of Nikkei Shimbun at convenience stores? ~2024/11/28
Thank you for visiting。 新聞は好きです、munejyuka。 皆さんはどうですか? 最近はスマホの普及により紙の新聞が売れていないようですね。 それでもたまに読みたくなったときはコンビニに新聞を買いに行きます。 今回は日経新聞を買いました。 日経新聞の朝刊の値段を確認しておきたいと思います。 来年の2025年になったら値上げするかもしれませんのでww 2024年11月23日の日経新聞・朝刊の値段 今回はコンビニのファミリーマートさんで日経新聞の朝刊を買いました。 The price is、税込みで 200円 でした。 私がいちばん買っていた時期は160円だったような気がします。 40円値上がりしていますね。 発行部数が減るとそりゃ値上げになりますよね。 果たして2025年は値上げになるのでしょうか。 それとも据え置きでしょうか。 引き続き確認していこうと思います。 Please read to the end、ありがとうございました! ※古新聞も販売されているんですね。I did not know。 Link
Read more →[Gasoline] Fill up with gasoline this week too! Price per liter remains unchanged from last week ~2024/11/27
Thank you for visiting。 ガソリンの給油はセルフ式一択です、munejyuka。 だって店員さんに給油してもらうところよりも安いんですもん。 今週も自家用車にガソリンを給油してきました。 今回も1リットル当たりの価格を確認しておきたいと思います。 レギュラーガソリン1リットル当たりの価格は? 2024年11月27日、セルフ式ガソリンスタンドでレギュラーガソリンを給油してきました。 1リットル当たりの価格は、 156円 でした。 先週、政府の臨時閣議でガソリンの補助金の規模を縮小するとの発表がありました。 今回の値段の156円は先週の値段と同じでした。 ですのでまだ補助金の縮小は行われていないのかなと思います。 Because、縮小幅は10円くらいになるとのことでしたので、実施されていれば確実に値段に反映されると思われますので。 いつになったら値上がりするのでしょうか? たまにしか給油されない方も早めに給油しておいた方がいいかもしれません。 ちょっとでも安いほうがいいですよね。 今後も引き続き値段を確認していきたいなと思います。 Please read to the end、ありがとうございました! ※携帯トイレを車に載せておきましょう。高速道路で急に渋滞に巻き込まれてもコレがあれば安心です。特に小さなお子さまがおられる方は必須です! リンク
Read more →Can you spend 4.510 yen on a 3-month notebook? ~2024/11/26
Thank you for visiting。 I use a paper notebook every year.、munejyuka。 A smartphone alone is somehow not enough.。 The other day、 a、I found something that I think is a good notebook.。 That's it、The price is surprisingly high...the notebook costs 4,510 yen including shipping! And only for 3 months! ! The notebook cost 4,510 yen including tax.。 Moreover、 It is possible to fill in information for 3 months.。 When I first saw it、 Only for 3 months instead of 1 year? That's what I felt like lol. Like a card man.、Really mmmm! I felt that。 I use a Muji notebook that costs about 1,000 yen every year.。 Is it okay to pay 4,510 yen for a 3-month notebook? Things you can't buy on your own... Can you buy them quickly? ? I think I want to think about it a little more。 Please read to the end、thank you very much! *This is fine, right? link
Read more →[Gasoline] Government subsidies will continue at a reduced scale! ~2024/11/22
Thank you for visiting。 Gasoline is refilled every week、munejyuka。 That's proof that you're riding it.。 The other day、There was news that comprehensive economic measures were decided at the government's extraordinary cabinet meeting.。 Apparently there was also a decision regarding gasoline prices.。 I would like to check it in detail。 Gasoline subsidies continue! However... what has been decided this time is、 This means that gasoline subsidies will continue.。 however、 It is said that the scale will be reduced.。 Now、The price ceiling, which has been kept at around 175 yen, will be reduced to around 185 yen.。 That means、It is thought that the price will increase by about 10 yen in the future.。 I think you can try this campaign、Some gas stations may take advantage of this price increase and raise their prices dramatically... What will happen? ? I would like to continue checking in the future.。 Please read to the end、thank you very much! *Click here for last week's gasoline refueling report ↓↓ [Gasoline] Check the price per liter of regular gasoline ~ 2024/11/20 | *Keep a portable toilet in your car! Even if you get caught in a sudden traffic jam, you can rest assured with this! It will serve as a talisman! ! link
Read more →After 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 24, 2024、Check the traffic congestion situation on the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding expressways! 47th in 2024、Is there a traffic jam on the fourth Sunday morning in November?
Thank you for visiting。 It's getting cold and I'm feeling pretty depressed.、munejyuka。 About 4 months from now、It's time to endure。 It's a Sunday morning in late November, when the cold weather is in full swing.。 Are expressways in the Kinki region congested? Were there many people who went out? I was curious so I checked。 November 24, 2024 (Sunday)、Results of checking expressway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 a.m.、 there was no traffic。 There were long traffic jams everywhere yesterday morning.。 Was it because Labor Thanksgiving Day was a public holiday?、The highway was congested。 Is this day a reaction to that?、There was no traffic。 Lately, there has been no traffic jam on Sunday mornings.。 However、Traffic is often congested on Sunday evenings.。 From about 15:30 to about 19:00。 Meishin Expressway、Keiji bypass downhill、There is almost always traffic congestion going up the Chugoku Expressway.。 If you don't want to get stuck in traffic, it's best to go home early.。 Other expressway information We also checked expressway information other than traffic jams.。 ・One piece of broken down vehicle information ・Falling object information:2 cases - There are no speed restrictions due to crosswinds on the Kansai International Airport Bridge.I'm glad there were no reports of accidents.。 I hope it's not always there。 The weather near the Kansai Airport Bridge seemed to be calm.。 Kansai International Airport Bridge has speed restrictions when the wind is strong.。 There is a speed limit of 60 km and a speed limit of 40 km.。 Because it is located on the sea、The wind can suddenly become strong。 If you are planning to pass, please be careful.。 Link Summary ・Sunday, November 24, 2024、Confirmed expressway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 a.m. - No traffic jams - 1 broken vehicle information、2 pieces of falling object information ・There is no speed restriction due to crosswinds on the Kansai International Airport Bridge This time it is Sunday, November 24, 2024、・ Check the highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 am on Saturday, April 9, 2022。 There was no traffic。 It seems that many people had their outing mode turned off.。 In 2024, there will be no more three-day holidays related to public holidays.。 The next consecutive holidays will be the year-end and New Year holidays.。 What will happen on the morning of Saturday, December 28th? It's scary just thinking about it lol I'll continue to check it out in the future! Well then、 I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Please read till the end、thank you very much! *Be sure to prepare a portable toilet in preparation for traveling by car during the year-end and New Year holidays! With this, you don't have to worry even if you suddenly get stuck in a traffic jam on the highway! link
Read more →November 23, 2024 (Saturday/Holiday) After 8:00 a.m. on Labor Thanksgiving Day、Check the traffic congestion situation on the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding expressways! 47th in 2024、Is there traffic jam on the 4th Saturday morning in November?
Thank you for visiting。 Lately, there has been an increase in people traveling by car on Saturdays.、munejyuka。 I don't hate driving so it's not a problem.。 I thought it was already November, but it's already towards the end of the month.。 The countdown to 2024 has begun.。 I feel like time passes quickly。 The morning of Labor Thanksgiving Day、・ There is no speed limit due to crosswinds on the Sky Gate Bridge.。 Were there traffic jams when you went out?。 I was curious so I checked。 November 23, 2024 (Tuesday and Blessings)、I checked the expressway situation in the Kinki region after 8 a.m.、Traffic jams of more than 3 km were occurring in the following sections:。 ・Meishin Expressway up 24 km from near Seta Higashi IC ・Keiji Bypass up 8 km from near Uji Tunnel ・Daini Keihan Road up 3 km from near Fushimi IC 3 km from near Kumiyama JCT・Chugoku Expressway, down, 11 km from near the Aobadai Shelter exit ・Kinki Expressway, up, 3 km from near Daito Tsurumi IC ・Hanshin Expressway, Kobe Line, westbound, 6 km from near Fukae What surprised me was the traffic jam on the Meishin Expressway.。 24km traffic jam is long。 Although it became a little shorter a little later on.、I was surprised when I first saw it。 Was there an accident or something?。 When Meishin is congested, Keiji Bypass will also be congested.。 I have no choice but。 Link Other expressway information We also checked expressway information other than traffic jams.。 ・Accident information:2 items ・Information on broken down vehicles:3 items ・Falling object information:4 cases - There are no speed restrictions due to crosswinds on the Kansai International Airport Bridge.It's always shocking to hear about accidents.。 I just hope it's a minor accident.。 The weather near the Kansai Airport Bridge seemed to be calm.。 I live by the sea near the Kansai Airport Bridge.。 The wind is blowing quite a bit、It seems like it wasn't enough to warrant a speed limit.。 Summary ・November 23, 2024 (Saturday/Holiday)、Confirmed expressway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 a.m. ・Congestion of 3 km or more occurred in 7 sections ・2 accidents reported、3 broken car information、4 pieces of falling object information ・There are no speed restrictions due to crosswinds on the Kansai International Airport Bridge This time it is November 23, 2024 (Saturday/Holiday)、・ Check the highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 am on Saturday, April 9, 2022。 Traffic jams of more than 3 km were occurring in 7 sections.。 Were there many people going out because it was a public holiday?。 At Meishin, there was a long traffic jam from early in the morning.。 There are so many traffic jams in the morning、There is a high possibility that there will be long traffic jams when you return home in the evening.。 If you are using expressways in the Kinki region in the evening, please be very careful.。 I use it normally when talking in conversation、 I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Please read till the end、thank you very much!
Read more →[Gasoline] Check the price per liter of regular gasoline ~ 2024/11/20
Thank you for visiting。 I refuel my car every week.、munejyuka。 Every week。 This week marks 143 consecutive weeks.。 So that's it、I refueled this week as well.。 What was the price of 1 liter of regular gasoline this week? I would like to confirm this as a memorandum.。 November 20, 2024、What is the price per liter of regular gasoline? This week too、近所のセルフ式ガソリンスタンドでレギュラーガソリンを給油してきました。 1リットル当たりの価格は、 156円 でした。 How does it compare to your area? Is it expensive? Is it cheap? Comparing with the national average... The price when refueling this time、Is 156 yen really cheap? The national average price announced by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy is、 It was 175 yen。 So、That's 19 yen cheaper than the national average.The gas station where I refueled this time was self-service, so it's probably cheaper.。 Maybe though。 Now, the gas station where I refuel is 156 yen for 12 consecutive weeks starting August 28th.。 It's good that prices don't go up.。 I just hope the price doesn't go up in the future.。 I hope to continue checking it out next week! Please read till the end、thank you very much!
Read more →Nankai Electric Railway will revise its timetable on December 21, 2024! The plan is to increase usage and also in anticipation of the opening of the World Expo!
Thank you for visiting。 I think the Rapit is the coolest train in the world.、munejyuka。 I think the gap between being cool and speeding through the rustic countryside is wonderful! this time、Nankai Electric Railway has announced that it will implement timetable revisions from December 21, 2024.。 The Nankai Main Line is the closest train for me.、I can't ignore this news! ! Timetable revision from December 21, 2024 The timetable revision will be implemented this time.、 ・Nankai Main Line ・Airport Line ・Tanagawa Line ・Wakayama Port Line ・Kada Line ・Takaya Line between Shiomibashi and Kishisato-Tamade (Shiomibashi Line)。 The Takaya Line appears to remain as it is.。 Link Nankai Main Line、Airport line responds to increase in inbound tourists Nankai Main Line、Due to this timetable revision for the airport line,、This seems to have been done in consideration of the increase in inbound tourists.。 increase the number of flights、The number of cars in some trains will be increased from 6 to 8 cars.。 Also、It seems that there will be an increase in the number of Rapit trains with fewer stops from Kansai Airport to Namba.。 I sometimes ride the Nankai Main Line.、Many tourists with suitcases are boarding the train.。 The other day, I took a train bound for Namba around 6:30pm.、Even at this hour, there were plenty of people on board.。 Isn't it inevitable that Nankai Electric Railway is making a profit lol? From the user's perspective、Increased stool、I think it's a good thing that the number of vehicles is increasing.。 Osaka Expo will be held next year。 It is expected that the number of users will increase more than ever during the event period.。 I hope this timetable revision will alleviate some of the congestion! I look forward to the timetable revision! Please read till the end、thank you very much! * Click here for Nankai Electric Railway's homepage announcing the schedule revision ↓↓ The Nankai Line train operation schedule will be revised from December 21st (Saturday). | Nankai Electric Railway *Rapito is cool even on Plarail! Really cool! ! link
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