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Speaking of August 1st, PL Fireworks、munejyuka。
For reference、The photo in this thumbnail is a PL fireworks。
today、My throat is so fluffy、I bought tea at Lawson, a convenience store.。
What I bought was、
綾鷹 濃い緑茶
I rarely buy plastic bottled tea at convenience stores.、I was curious about the price。
this time、I'd like to check it carefully and understand it。
コンビニのローソンさんの”綾鷹 濃い緑茶”の値段は?
This is the one I bought this time。
Ayataka dark green tea。
The price you're interested in is、Including tax
138 yen
At the supermarket、A similar plastic bottle tea costs just over 90 yen、If it's cheap, it's sold for a low of 80 yen。
On the internet、Labelless tea is available for sale at a cheaper price。
When you think about it that way, it seems like it's expensive。
But it is、
When I want to drink cold tea、コンビニでサッと買えることを思うとこの値段は
can be
I think。
This is 500 yen、I feel dizzy when it costs 1000 yen、If it's around 40-50 yen、たまにはいいのではないでしょうか?
毎日定期的に買うのはどうかと思うので、I would like to go with the idea of buying it for emergency purposes。
138 yen。
I'd like to keep in mind that this is the MAX price.。
I hope this will be helpful for you shopping.。
Please read to the end、thank you very much!
※コレ、If you are interested, why not give it a try!、コレです!!コレ買っちゃいましょう!!
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