Thank you for visiting。 メジャーリーグは好きです、munejyuka。 球場の雰囲気もいいですよね! 今回は、今オフのFAの目玉のひとり、カルロス・コレア選手について確認したいと思います。 ワイワイ騒いだのは何だったんだ?という結果になりました… コレア選手はツインズと契約! 2022シーズンのMLBレギュラーシーズンが終わり、ミネソタ・ツインズのショートを守るカルロス・コレア選手がFAとなりました。 ツインズとは3年契約だったのですが、権利を破棄して、大型契約を勝ち取るべくFAとなりました。 その後、サンフランシスコ・ジャイアンツと大型契約で合意!という報道が出たのですが、右足首の状態に難色を示したジャイアンツとは破談になりました。 その隙を狙って、コレア選手がFAとなってからずっと獲得を希望していたニューヨーク・メッツが名乗りをあげました。 メッツとも、大型契約を結ぶ直前まで話がすすんだのですが、やはり右足首の状態が懸念材料となり、すんなり契約とはいきませんでした。 Still、メッツとは契約期間や年俸の調整をするなど、なんとかコレア選手を獲得しようと交渉を続けていたようですが、こちらも破談となりました。 そうこうしているうちに、昨シーズン所属していたツインズが再度好条件を出して、契約に至ったようです。 ツインズは元々残留して欲しかった! ツインズ側としては、昨年に3年契約を結んでいたので、コレア選手には残って欲しいと思っていました。 Moreover、右足首の状態は、1年一緒にプレーしているので把握できていたものと思われます。 ツインズはこのオフ、積極的な補強を行っています。 そこに、いなくなったはずのコレア選手が戻ってきたとなると、戦力としてはかなりアップすると思われます。 マエケン投手も復帰する予定ですので、ツインズファンは楽しみが増えたといえるでしょう! まとめるとぉ~ ・2022シーズンのオフ、ツインズのコレア選手がツインズでFAとなったが、ツインズと再度契約 ・ジャイアンツ、その後メッツも獲得合意寸前までいきましたが、最終的には破談 ・理由は、右足首の状態とのこと。 ミネソタ・ツインズのスター選手、コレア選手が、ツインズと再度契約したことについてまとめました。 契約する側としては、健康状態には敏感になりますよね。 特に6年や7年といった長期契約を結ぶとなると、余計ですよね。 こればっかりは仕方ないのかもしれません。 ジャイアンツとメッツのファンはぬか喜びになりました。 今からどんなブーイングをするのか準備しているのかもしれませんねww 今シーズンもコレア選手のプレーに注目です!! 最後に… … こんなことってある?? 最後まで読んでいただき、thank you very much!
Read more →Category: Diary
January 9, 2023 (Mon/Holiday) After 8:00 am on Coming-of-Age Day、Check the traffic conditions on the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding highways! How is the morning of the last day of three consecutive holidays?
Thank you for visiting。 成人式を迎えた方、おめでとうございます!、munejyuka。 成人が18歳になったので、二十歳のつどいとかに変わっているそうですね! 2023年1月9日月曜日は、成人の日で祝日です。 祝日ですので、お出かけされる方は多かったのでしょうか? 高速道路は渋滞が出来ていたのでしょうか? 気になったので確認しました! さっそく確認していきましょう! 2023年1月9日(月・祝)、After 8:00 in the morning Hanshin Expressway and surrounding expressway status confirmation result、 there was no traffic。 近畿地方の天気は晴れのところが多かったです。 前日の天気予報も晴れでした。 So、もう少しお出かけの方で渋滞が出来ているのかなと思っていたのですが、It wasn't。 Moreover、年末年始は高速道路の休日割引が実施されておらず、この3連休は実施されていましたので、ここを狙ってお出かけされる方が多いのかなと予想していたのですが… 色々な要素がありますが、I'm not saying it again、連休の最終日はお出かけする方は少ないですね。 ここ数年はこういう傾向が強いです。 最終日は家でゆっくりという方が多いのでしょうか? 逆に考えると、連休最終日にお出かけすると、高速道路はスイスイでいいのかもしれませんね。 However、夕方は帰宅時間帯に車が集中して渋滞していたこともありますが。 その他の高速道路情報 渋滞以外の情報も確認しておきます。 ・Accident information:2 items ・Information on broken down vehicles:1件 ・関空連絡橋の横風による速度規制は無し 渋滞はありませんでしたが、事故情報は2件ありました。 故障車情報は1件だけでしたので、少なかったといえるでしょう。 関空連絡橋は横風による速度規制は出されていませんでした。 3連休最終日なので、関空へ送迎された方も多かったのではないでしょうか? 関空連絡橋は完全に海上となりますので、どうしても風当たりが強くなります。 突然強くなることもありますので、通行の際は注意が必要ですね。 まとめるとぉ~ ・2023年1月9日(月・祝)、朝8時過ぎの阪神高速と周辺高速道路の状況を確認 ・渋滞は無し ・事故情報が2件、故障車情報が1件 ・関空連絡橋の横風による速度規制は無し 今回は、2023年1月9日(月・祝)、成人の日の朝8時過ぎの阪神高速と周辺高速道路状況を確認しました。 めちゃくちゃ渋滞はしないだろうなとは思っていましたが、There were no congested sections。 年末年始にアクティブに活動したので、この3連休はオフモードというところでしょうか。 しかも連休最終日なので、余計にオフモードになっていたのかもしれませんね。 ここからしばらくカレンダー上では3連休はありません。 勤労感謝の日(2月23日木曜日)、春分の日(3月21日火曜日)の祝日はあるのですが。 次の連休はGWですね。 楽しみに待ちたいなと思います! 最後まで読んでいただき、thank you very much!
Read more →How to pronounce "spread"? Meaning? It looks difficult, so I looked it up!
Thank you for visiting。 I don't hate learning kanji、munejyuka。 Wouldn't it be nice to be able to read and write? ? the other day、A word from an article on the internet、 The kanji character for 'spread' came out。 I understood the meaning somewhat from the flow before and after、it was just vague。 So、This time, I would like to check the reading and meaning of "to spread"! How to pronounce "spread"? I will check it immediately。 How to read "spread"、 is rampant。 if you don't have it as knowledge、You can't read it as rampant lol What does "spread" mean? What does 'spread' mean?、 (vegetation, etc.) to grow and spread。get full。 Originally a term derived from the word "samurai have no two words"、gaining momentum and gaining momentum。rampant。 it means that。 Content is not difficult。 It is a phrase that is sometimes used in conversation.。 The phrase that evil spreads、It seems to be often used in the Sentai series and Kamen Rider.。 If you remember with this image、maybe you won't forget。 Summarizing ~ ・Check the reading and meaning of "spread" ・How to read、``Infestation'' ・The meaning is、Vegetation grows and spreads、In turn, the momentum becomes stronger and widens、rampant。 今回は、I confirmed the reading and meaning of the kanji "spread"。 Because it's a phrase that we sometimes use in conversation、so to speak、It may be a word that becomes。 how to write、it's not that hard。 The vine is、 Kusakanmuri、Day、Kanji numeral 4 imitation、It is again。 Don't remember it like that! I think I'll get scolded for、sorry。 Nobu is fine。 extra time、I'm Nobu from Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture.。 Kanji、read、write、You can say that you understand only when you know the meaning。 day after day、I want to study hard! Please read to the end、thank you very much! *If you have one Kanji dictionary at home, you will feel smarter, so please check it out! ww link
Read more →Sunday, January 8, 2023 after 8:00 am、Check the traffic conditions on the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding highways! 2nd time in 2023、How is the morning of the three consecutive holidays?
Thank you for visiting。 The southern part of Osaka Prefecture, which is clearer than yesterday、munejyuka。 It was raining lightly around noon yesterday.。 glad it wasn't snow。 Tomorrow is Coming-of-Age Day, a public holiday。 Isn't there a lot of people who say it's been a 3-day holiday since yesterday? I don't have three consecutive holidays, but...、I checked the expressway situation in the Kinki region after 8 o'clock in the morning of January 8.。 Was there a traffic jam on your way out? Let's check it out! Sunday, January 8, 2023、After 8:00 a.m., the result of checking the state of the expressway in the Kinki region、 there was no traffic。 It's a long-awaited (?) three-day holiday, but、there was no congestion on the highway。 I thought it was yesterday that there was a traffic jam.、There was no traffic jam yesterday。 I think there were some people who said that yesterday was Saturday and they were working.。 So、I thought it might be a little congested this Sunday morning.、There was no traffic jam today。 everyone、Did you run out of energy during the year-end and New Year holidays?。 ・Accident information:0 cases ・Broken car information:3 incidents ・Kyoto Jukan Expressway Up and Down Line Kutsukake IC ~ Chiyogawa IC 50 km limit due to fog ・No speed limit due to crosswinds on the Kansai International Airport Bridge What I noticed on this day、On the Kyoto Jukan Expressway、It was that the speed limit due to fog had been issued.。 On highways in the Kinki region、Regulation by fog itself is unusual。 rarely seen。 that's why、I was surprised when I saw。 Visibility is poor due to fog。 Because the speed limit is issued、I wonder what it is。 For those using the Kyoto Jukan Expressway、Because there is a possibility that fog will occur in the future、Be careful! Summarizing ~ Sunday, January 8, 2023、Confirmed highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 o'clock in the morning ・No traffic jams ・Speed restrictions due to fog on the Kyoto Jukan Expressway issued ・No speed restrictions due to crosswinds on the Kansai International Airport Bridge This time、January 8, 2023 (Sun)、・ Check the highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 am on Saturday, April 9, 2022。 It was the middle day of the three consecutive holidays.、I was wondering if there was a bit more traffic jam、There was no traffic。 A glimpse、If you look at national highway information、nationally、There weren't many places that were congested。 It wasn't just the Kinki region lol Tomorrow is Coming-of-Age Day and it's a public holiday。 I'm worried about tomorrow, so I'd like to check it out。 ・ Check the highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 am on Saturday, April 9, 2022、I hope you have a wonderful Sunday! Please read to the end、thank you very much!
Read more →Saturday, January 7, 2023 after 8:00 am、Check the traffic conditions on the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding highways! 1st time in 2023、Check the congestion status of the Hanshin Expressway and the surrounding expressways! The 12th time in 2022
Thank you for visiting。 Do you have three consecutive holidays?、munejyuka。 I'm not on 3 consecutive holidays... 2023 is also a week on this day。 Am I the only one who feels like it's not too early? Coming-of-Age Day (Monday, January 9) is a public holiday.。 Isn't there a lot of people who are going to have a 3-day holiday? I checked the highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8:00 on the first Saturday of 2023.。 Was there a traffic jam on your way out? Let's check it out! Saturday, January 7, 2023、After confirming the highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 o'clock in the morning、 there was no traffic。 On the first day of three consecutive holidays、Although the weather was sunny、There was no traffic。 Many people moved during the year-end and New Year holidays、Is this 3 consecutive holidays in holiday mode? Even so、I was surprised that there was no traffic so far.。 Other expressway information Check other expressway information other than congestion。 ・Accident information:0 cases ・Broken car information:7 cases ・No speed restrictions due to crosswinds on the Kansai International Airport Bridge I'm glad there was no accident information、There were 7 broken-down car information。 It would be nice if it was a minor malfunction... The weather was relatively mild during the New Year holidays in the southern part of Osaka Prefecture.。 It seems that this day was also calm、No speed limit was issued for the Kansai International Airport Bridge。 However、everyone、Please be careful if you plan to pass。 I think that there are many people who go to Kansai Airport to pick up and drop off during the three consecutive holidays.。 Summarizing ~ Saturday, January 7, 2023、Confirmed highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8:00 a.m. No traffic jams No speed restrictions due to crosswinds on the Kansai International Airport Bridge First Saturday of 2023、・ Check the highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 am on Saturday, April 9, 2022。 It's the first day of the three consecutive holidays、I was expecting there to be more congested sections.、It wasn't。 I'm sure there are some of you who are working today.、It was a situation that it was not enough to cause a traffic jam。 Anyway、No traffic jams is a good thing! I would like to check it regularly in the future.、Please come and see us again! ! then、Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday! Please read to the end、thank you very much! *Even if you suddenly get stuck in a traffic jam, you can rest assured if you have a portable toilet.。Most of all, it calms me down ww Because it will be useful in the event of a disaster、Keep some in your car! ! Link
Read more →Sunday, January 1, 2023 after 8:00 am、Check the traffic conditions on the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding highways! 1st time in 2023、How is your Sunday morning on New Year's Day?
Thank you for visiting。 It's okay if you don't go to New Year's visit、munejyuka。 Maybe it's because I haven't been there since I was little... People are in New Year's mode.。 Newspapers are also sold in special New Year editions。 Such a Sunday morning on New Year's Day 2023、・ There is no speed limit due to crosswinds on the Sky Gate Bridge.。 Were you stuck in a traffic jam on your way out? I was curious, so I checked it out! Sunday, January 1, 2023、Hanshin Expressway and surrounding expressway condition confirmation results after 8:00 am on New Year's Day、 there was no traffic。 January 1st, 2023 is a Sunday。 So、I was expecting that there would be a traffic jam if I went out a little more.、It wasn't。 everyone、I hope you had a good time。 Other expressway information I also checked expressway conditions other than traffic congestion。 ・Accident information:1 item ・Broken car information:3 cases ・There is no speed regulation due to crosswinds on the Kansai International Airport Bridge Less traffic jams、It can be said that there are few people using the expressway。 So、There is a tendency for the probability of accidents and broken-down cars to decrease.。 This day is no exception、There was little information on accidents and breakdowns。 There were no speed restrictions due to crosswinds on the Kansai Airport connecting bridge.。 I would say the weather was mild.。 Summarizing ~ Sunday, January 1, 2023、Check the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding expressway conditions after 8:00 am on New Year's Day ・No traffic congestion ・One accident information、There are 3 cases of broken-down vehicle information ・No speed regulation due to crosswinds on the Kansai Airport connecting bridge This time、January 1, 2023 (Sun)、I checked the conditions of the Hanshin Expressway and the surrounding highways after 8 o'clock in the morning on New Year's Day.。 no traffic jam、it was a calm situation。 New Year's Day coincides with Sunday、And、The weather forecast for the previous day was clear, so I expected that there would be some traffic jams.、it never happened。 Under the influence of the new coronavirus、It will be the first time in three years that we will celebrate the New Year without travel restrictions.。 From now on, we will enter the stage of coexistence。 While taking basic infection control measures、I want to enjoy traveling and returning home! Also、Excessive speed on the highway、it's more。 safety first、I think it would be nice if I could move with a margin! for you、I hope you have a wonderful year! Please read to the end、Thank you!
Read more →Is it “Yes” or “No” to buy retort curry at a convenience store? I bought it at Lawson! What price are you interested in? ?
Thank you for visiting。 i like curry、munejyuka。 There's no one you don't like, right? Maybe... this time、I bought retort pouch curry at Lawson convenience store.。 last time、Bought at 7-Eleven。 Are convenience store products expensive? I think some people think that。 How about Lawson's retort curry? I would like to confirm! Lawson's Retort Beef Curry Medium Spicy This is what I bought this time.。 Lawson's、"Medium-spicy beef curry with the flavor of beef and vegetables"。 The packaging is also nice and refreshing! Besides medium spicy、There was sweet and dry。 I made it medium spicy this time! I also bought medium spicy at 7-Eleven.。 Curious about the price? I'm curious about the price、Including tax、 It was 118 yen。(The price is as of January 5, 2023) It's 13 yen higher than 7-Eleven.。 That's where I'm making、It goes without saying that different places sell different prices.。 Still、If it is 118 yen, isn't it a reasonable price range? I don't think there are many retort curry sold at 118 yen at supermarkets.。 Aside from special sales。 In summary, this time、I bought retort pouch curry at Lawson.。 As for the taste, which is the key、 was delicious! am。 It's definitely the guy。 I'm impressed that such a delicious authentic curry is sold for 118 yen.。 Sora deflation can also happen。 Isn't that right? ? Great corporate effort。 It was really delicious! So、in conclusion、Buying retort pouch curry at Lawson convenience store、 I think yes! The price is also 118 yen.、There is no reason not to buy it if it is so delicious。 Ladies and gentlemen, please、Why don't you try it once! ! Please read to the end、thank you very much! ▼ Manufactured by Sun House Foods。It is a company that makes products for House Foods.。 ▼The inside looks like this ▼It's quite innovative to put the entire box in the microwave! *When you think of House Foods, you think of Kukure Curry! Please click here! ! ↓ link
Read more →Is it “Yes” or “No” to buy retort curry at a convenience store? I bought it at 7-Eleven! What price are you interested in? ?
Thank you for visiting。 curry is a drink、munejyuka。 I haven't gotten to that point yet, but... Curry and rice can be called the national dish of Japan.。 Would you like to eat such curry rice easily? In such a case, retort curry is perfect! this time、I bought that retort curry at a convenience store, Seven-Eleven.。 Many people have the image that convenience store products are expensive.、What is it actually like? Let's check it out! 7-Eleven retort beef curry medium hot This is what I bought this time。 7-Eleven's beef curry is medium spicy。 Besides medium spicy、sweet、It was dry。 今回は、I thought I'd see how it goes with the medium spicy in the middle。 Isn't there any woman who dislikes this?。 The recent retort curry is OK even in the microwave.。There is no need to warm with hot water。 of course、It is OK to warm it with hot water.。in case。 Curious about the price? I'm curious about the price、Including tax、 It was 105 yen。(The price is as of January 4, 2023) Don't you think this is pretty cheap? even at the supermarket、I don't think there are many places that sell retort curry for 105 yen.。 So、It can be said that it is quite wallet-friendly retort curry.。 In summary, this time、I bought retort pouch curry at 7-Eleven。 I am concerned about the price as well.、 It's a taste。 Taste of course、 was delicious! am。 It was delicious as usual。 Well, there's nothing wrong with retort curry, right?。 basic in the first place、There is nothing wrong with curry, so。 Based on the above、Buying retort curry at a convenience store 7-Eleven、 i think yes。 Reasonably priced、The taste is also perfect.。 when it comes to、There is no reason not to buy it! I suddenly want to eat curry、But it is troublesome to make、It is troublesome to go to the supermarket to buy。 such a time、Buying and eating retort pouch curry at a nearby convenience store、 I think yes! Ladies and gentlemen, please、How about trying it once? It is delicious! ! Please read to the end、thank you very much! ▼ The seller is SB Foods。It must be delicious! ▼It was delicious with lots of ingredients! * Speaking of retort curry、Bon curry! Isn't there a lot of people who say? If you are like that, please click here for him ↓ link
Read more →Tuesday, January 3, 2023 after 8:00 am、Check the traffic conditions on the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding highways! How is the morning of the third day of the New Year 2023?
Thank you for visiting。 Speaking of New Year's Day, is it New Year's present?、munejyuka。 I haven't had one in years。Naturally。 What do you all think of new year's day? It seems that there are many people who say that work is closed。 I think it varies from person to person。 Such January 3, 2023 (Tuesday)、I checked the highway conditions in the Kinki region in the morning。 Was there a traffic jam on your way home? Let's check it out! Tuesday, January 3, 2023、After 8:00 in the morning Hanshin Expressway and surrounding expressway status confirmation result、 there was no traffic。 everyone、It's too late to start。 There were no traffic jams during the same time period yesterday.。 However、There was a long traffic jam here and there after 10 o'clock.。 Meishin Expressway bound for Nagoya、There was a 17km traffic jam near Otsu IC.。 A 17km traffic jam before noon is quite a lot.。 Other expressway information Check other expressway information other than congestion。 ・Accident information:1 item ・Broken car information:1 case ・There is no speed regulation due to crosswinds on the Kansai Airport connecting bridge Less traffic jams、Due to the small number of cars、There was little information on accidents and broken cars。 Kansai airport connecting bridge、It seems that this time of the day was calm、No crosswind speed limit was issued。 Still、everyone、Please be careful if you use the Kansai Airport connecting bridge for pick-up etc.。 Summarizing ~ ・January 3, 2023 (Tuesday)、Confirmed highway conditions in the Kinki region after 8 o'clock in the morning ・No traffic jams ・Accident information、There is 1 broken-down car information for each ・No speed regulation due to crosswinds on the Kansai Airport connecting bridge This time、We have confirmed the expressway conditions in the Kinki region after 8:00 on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.。 There is no traffic jam after 8:00.、It is believed that there will be traffic jams during the following hours.。 昨日、I also used the Meishin Expressway bound for Nagoya after 11:00.、It was a long traffic jam from near Takatsuki IC。 I got off at Oyamazaki IC.、It was said that there was a traffic jam from near Otsu IC to Kyoto Minami IC.。 There was no traffic jam in the morning... I got caught in a traffic jam on the highway for the first time in a long time.、on second thoughts、 I felt that I wasted my time。 if there is no traffic、I'm starting to think that I've already arrived by now。 Yesterday's traffic was still cute, but... again、I thought that I would like to avoid the congestion of the expressway and use it。 I expect the situation to be the same on January 3rd.。 drivers、without getting frustrated by traffic jams、Please drive safely! ! Please read to the end、thank you very much!
Read more →January 2, 2023 (Mon/holiday) after 8:00 am、Check the traffic conditions on the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding highways! How is the morning of the second day of the New Year 2023?
Thank you for visiting。 New Year's what? Is it delicious?、munejyuka。 Is it strange that I don't even want to eat New Year's food... 2022 is over?、2023 is now。 Yesterday's New Year's Day coincided with Sunday。 So、I was wondering if there were many people who would go out a little more.、it was not at all。 Second day of 2023、How was the highway on January 2nd (Mon/Holiday)? I was curious so I checked。 January 2, 2023 (Month/Holiday)、After 8:00 in the morning Hanshin Expressway and surrounding expressway status confirmation result、 there was no traffic。 following yesterday、There was no traffic。 It may have been a traffic jam a little later。 good as yesterday、this day is good、I didn't expect that there would be no traffic so far.。 Meishin Expressway bound for Nagoya or Keiji Bypass bound for East、I thought the Hanshin Expressway Kobe Line/Westbound was congested.。 Is it about the New Year 2023 that the start is slow?。 Other expressway conditions Check the expressway conditions other than traffic jams。 ・Accident information:0 cases ・Broken car information:2 ・There is no speed regulation due to crosswinds on the Kansai International Airport Bridge Less traffic congestion → fewer cars、There was little information on accidents and broken cars.。 There was no speed limit due to crosswinds on the Kansai Airport connecting bridge.。 The wind is blowing moderately、It seems that the situation is not enough to issue regulations。 January 2nd (Mon) is a substitute holiday Yesterday, January 1st, New Year's Day was a Sunday。 New Year's Day is a public holiday、today、January 2nd is a substitute holiday.、 It's a public holiday。 So I don't care。 usually in Japan、New Year's is called three days、It feels like New Year's Day until January 3rd.、Whether January 2nd is a weekday or a holiday, it may not have much effect.。 train every year、From the end of the year until January 3rd、There are many places that operate on a holiday schedule.。 Expressway holiday discounts are not applicable.、 Holiday discounts on highways May be。 Current state of expressway、Holiday discounts are applied on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays。 However、this year's new year、 From December 31st (Sat) to January 3rd (Tue)、 Expressway holiday discounts are not implemented。 this is、It means that the car is not concentrated on the day when the discount is being carried out.。 this is、It's not just the Kinki area or western Japan。 Holiday discounts will not be implemented on expressways nationwide from December 31 (Sat) to January 3 (Tue)。 There is also an all-you-can-ride pass for the Hanshin Expressway on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.、This is also not discounted。(*You need to apply for this unlimited-ride pass before using it.) *Click here for the official information about the Hanshin Expressway↓ Apply online before using the Hanshin Expressway ETC Unlimited-Ride Pass 2022 for unlimited rides on the Hanshin Expressway for one day! With discount coupons for facilities along the Hanshin Expressway For those who used the expressway、Please do not be disappointed if there is no discount when billing... | NEXCO West Japan Corporate Information East Japan Expressway Company Limited、Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.、West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.、Honshu-Shikoku Expressway Co., Ltd. and Miyagi Prefectural Road Public Corporation、Receiving a request from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism、Holiday discounts are not applied nationwide during busy seasons.、2022Golden week of the year、During Obon and year-end and New Year holidays、We would like to inform you that we will handle the following。 Summarize ~ ・January 2, 2023 (Monday / holiday)、Check the status of the Hanshin Expressway and surrounding highways after 8:00 am ・No traffic jams
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